A plumbing repair can save you money in the long run. If you experience a problem with your plumbing system that requires service, you might be tempted to call a plumber on an emergency basis. This can be a costly mistake if your issue is relatively minor. In the event that you experience an emergency situation, such as a burst pipe or frozen faucet, you will have no choice but to call a plumber immediately, whether or not it’s a good fit for your situation. However, a regular plumbing repair can help you avoid this situation and save money in the long run. If you have a small issue that can be fixed quickly and easily, a plumber will charge you for an emergency visit. If the same issue requires the same amount of time, but you can fix it yourself or on a smaller budget, you will save money in the long run by doing the repair yourself. Here is what you should know about plumbing repairs before you hire a contractor.

Save Money

One of the biggest benefits of having a plumbing repair done is that you will save money in the long run. If you have a small issue with your plumbing system that can be fixed quickly and easily, a plumber will charge you for an emergency visit. If the same issue requires the same amount of time, but you can fix it yourself or on a smaller budget, you will save money in the long run by doing the repair yourself. Here are a few examples of how you can save money by doing your own plumbing repairs:

  • Repairing a toilet: On average, a plumber will charge $150 to $200 to fix a toilet. If you can repair it yourself for $30, you will save $120.
  • Repairing a faucet: On average, a plumber will charge $100 to $150 to fix a faucet. If you can repair it yourself for $30, you will save $100.
  • Repairing a sink: On average, a plumber will charge $150 to $200 to fix a sink. If you can repair it yourself for $30, you will save $120.

Save Time

Another benefit of having a plumbing repair done is that you will save time in the long run. If you have a small issue with your plumbing system that can be fixed quickly and easily, a plumber will charge you for an emergency visit. If the same issue requires the same amount of time, but you can fix it yourself or on a smaller budget, you will save time in the long run by doing the repair yourself. Here are a few examples of how you can save time by doing your own plumbing repairs:

  • Repairing a toilet: On average, a plumber will charge $150 to $200 to fix a toilet. If you can repair it yourself in 30 minutes, you will save 2 hours.
  • Repairing a faucet: On average, a plumber will charge $100 to $150 to fix a faucet. If you can repair it yourself in 30 minutes, you will save 2 hours.
  • Repairing a sink: On average, a plumber will charge $150 to $200 to fix a sink. If you can repair it yourself in 30 minutes, you will save 2 hours.

Keep Your Home Cleaner

Another benefit of having a plumbing repair done is that you will keep your home cleaner in the long run. If you have a small issue with your plumbing system that can be fixed quickly and easily, a plumber will charge you for an emergency visit. If the same issue requires the same amount of time, but you can fix it yourself or on a smaller budget, you will keep your home cleaner in the long run by doing the repair yourself. Here are a few examples of how you can keep your home cleaner by doing your own plumbing repairs:

  • Repairing a toilet: On average, a plumber will charge $150 to $200 to fix a toilet. If you can repair it yourself in 30 minutes, you will save 2 hours.
  • Repairing a faucet: On average, a plumber will charge $100 to $150 to fix a faucet. If you can repair it yourself in 30 minutes, you will save 2 hours.
  • Repairing a sink: On average, a plumber will charge $150 to $200 to fix a sink. If you can repair it yourself in 30 minutes, you will save 2 hours.


A plumbing repair can save you money in the long run. If you experience a problem with your plumbing system that requires service, you might be tempted to call a plumber on an emergency basis. This can be a costly mistake if your issue is relatively minor. In the event that you experience an emergency situation, such as a burst pipe or frozen faucet, you will have no choice but to call a plumber immediately, whether or not it’s a good fit for your situation. However, a regular plumbing repair can help you avoid this situation and save money in the long run. If you have a small issue that can be fixed quickly and easily, a plumber will charge you for an emergency visit. If the same issue requires the same amount of time, but you can fix it yourself or on a smaller budget, you will save money in the long run by doing the repair yourself.

Frequently Asked Question

Most plumbers charge an average of $70 to $120 per hour before trip fees and materials. Rates can range as high as $200 or as low as $45. A plumber's hourly rate covers their wages, insurance premiums, union dues, overhead, equipment, vehicle maintenance, and tools.
The national average cost to repair pipes is $150-$205, but prices range anywhere from $50- $733. Hourly plumber rates range from $55-$195 per hour for pipe repairs.
Rough-in plumbing for new construction costs $8,000 to $12,000, or about or about $4.50 per square foot for an average 2,000 square foot home with 2 or 3 bathrooms. Repiping an existing home the same size runs $3,100 to $5,500, or $0.40 to $2.00 per linear foot.
Water pipes – Leaking water pipes cost an average of $150 to $350 to repair. Finding the leak may cost an additional $100. Drywall repair costs an additional $250 to $750, depending on the hole's size and location. If a pipe froze and burst, you might be looking at paying $1,000 to $4,000 in water damage and cleanup.