A healthy septic system is essential for the maintenance of your home. Without it, sewage will back up into your home or yard, contaminating the surrounding soil and making it unsafe for you and your guests. However, septic tanks require regular maintenance to ensure they are running smoothly. The frequency of these services will depend on a variety of factors such as the type of septic tank, the size of the home and the soil type in your yard. Here is a breakdown of how often you should have your septic tank flushed, pumped and inspected by a professional. If you have access to and frequent contact with your septic tank, you can do these things yourself. However, if you do not have the knowledge or tools needed, contact a plumbing or septic contractor for assistance.

How often should you flush your septic tank?

A septic tank is filled with water and bacteria-infused liquid called septic waste. The bacteria break down the waste and make it safe to discharge into the soil. However, if there is too much waste in the tank or the tank is broken, the bacteria will not have enough food to break down the waste and will die. This can cause the waste to back up into the home and contaminate everything. To prevent this, you should flush your septic tank every 3-6 months depending on the size of the tank and the amount of waste in it. During the flush, you will add a cleaning solution to the tank that will make the bacteria thrive once again. You can flush your tank yourself by following these instructions.

How often should you pump your septic tank?

A septic tank is different from a sewer. While sewage is discharged directly into a nearby stream or river, septic waste is pumped to a treatment facility that cleans and disposes of it. If the waste is pumped directly into the soil, it can pollute it and make it unusable for growing plants and flowers. This is why you need to pump your septic tank as often as needed. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how often you should pump your tank. There are a few factors to consider such as the home’s size, number of occupants, the number of people using the restroom and the frequency of recreational activities. Generally speaking, you should pump your tank once a year if you have a small home with only one person, once every two years if you have a large home with multiple occupants and once every three to five years if you have a large home with few occupants. Remember to always pump the tank before heavy rains or flooding to prevent the waste from polluting the soil.

How often should you inspect your septic tank?

When your home is under construction, your contractor will dig a hole where the septic tank will be installed. While doing this, they will place a concrete cap over the hole to protect the soil. This is your home’s toilet bowl, and it is important to inspect the toilet bowl every year. This will ensure the tank is in good condition and will not break down and pollute your soil. You should also inspect the toilet bowl when you move into a new home. This will enable you to see how the tank was installed and will allow you to identify potential problems before they become a problem. If you have an older home, you can replace the toilet bowl with a new one that is connected to the septic tank. You can also hire a professional to inspect your tank and toilet bowl for free if you are unable to do it yourself.

Tips for maintaining a healthy septic system

- Install a new septic tank before you build a new home. If the existing septic tank is broken or has exceeded its lifetime, it will pollute your soil and make it unusable for growing plants and flowers.- Install a new toilet that connects directly to the old septic tank. If the toilet is connected to the house’s sewer, it will pollute the soil and make it unusable for growing plants and flowers.- Plan your landscaping around the septic tank. Avoid planting too many trees or shrubs in areas near the tank. These will block the sun and rain from reaching the soil and polluting it.- Install a water-saving device in your home. These devices can help you reduce the amount of water that enters the soil and reduce your household’s water bill.- Stay away from the septic tank. Avoid going near it, standing in it and throwing anything in it. Doing so can pollute the soil and make it unusable for growing plants and flowers.


A healthy septic system is essential for the maintenance of your home. Without it, sewage will back up into your home or yard and make it unsafe for you and your guests. However, septic tanks require regular maintenance to ensure they are running smoothly. The frequency of these services will depend on a variety of factors such as the type of septic tank, the size of the home and the soil type in your yard. Here is a breakdown of how often you should have your septic tank flushed, pumped and inspected by a professional. If you have access to and frequent contact with your septic tank, you can do these things yourself. However, if you do not have the knowledge or tools needed, contact a plumbing or septic contractor for assistance.