A broken water heater is not only inconvenient but can lead to costly repairs if not addressed quickly. However, there is no need to panic if you notice your water heater emitting a foul smell or taking a little longer than usual to come to a boil. There are many signs that indicate when it’s time to replace your water heater. Here are a few red flags that could mean it’s time for a new water heater:

Water is discolored or smells bad

If your water looks or smells bad, it can pose a health risk and be a sign that your water heater is failing. If the water pressure drops or is irregular in any way, this could be an indication that something is wrong with your water heater. If your water smells bad or looks discolored, your toilet could be using a lot of water and your water bills could be going up as a result. If you’re on a budget, you could consider installing a water filter to remove some of the contaminants and bad tastes and smells.

The water is not piping hot

A water heater should be able to bring water to a rolling boil within a few minutes of being turned on. If your water heater is not bringing water to a rolling boil, this could be an indication that the tank is no longer working properly. If you live in an apartment, a landlord could be using the water for cooking, which would explain why your water takes longer to get to a boiling point. However, if you own a home, it’s unlikely that a landlord would be using your water for anything other than drinking, showering and washing. If your water is not piping hot, it’s a good idea to have it checked out by a plumber.

The water runs cold before it reaches a rolling boil

If your water runs cold before it reaches a rolling boil, it could be an indication that your water heater is no longer heating water properly. This could be the result of a faulty thermostat or leaking pipes. If you have a faulty thermostat, a new water heater could be the perfect solution. If you have a faulty thermostat, it’s important to get it replaced as soon as possible. If you have leaking pipes, it’s likely that your water bills have been going up because of the excessive use of water from your water supply. If you notice a sudden spike in your water bills, this could be an indication that a pipe has sprung a leak. If you have leaking pipes, it’s important to get them fixed as soon as possible.

The water runs cold even when the water heater is fully turned on

If your water runs cold even when the water heater is fully turned on, this could be an indication that the tank is no longer heating water properly. This could be the result of a faulty thermostat, faulty water heater or a faulty shut-off valve. If you have a faulty thermostat, a new water heater could be the perfect solution. If you have a faulty thermostat, it’s important to get it replaced as soon as possible. If you have faulty pipes, they could be leaking and causing the water to run cold before it reaches the water heater. If you have faulty shut-off valves, they could be leaking and causing the water to run cold before it reaches the water heater. If you have faulty pipes and faulty shut-off valves, they both need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Your water heater is older than 10 years old

If your water heater is older than 10 years old, it’s likely that it’s reached the end of its life span. When your water heater gets old, it can begin to lose efficiency and not be able to heat water as quickly. If your water is taking a long time to reach a rolling boil, this could be a sign that it’s time for a new water heater. If your water heater is older than 10 years old, it could be a good idea to have it inspected by a professional water heater technician to make sure that the tank is in good working order. If the water heater is over 10 years old, it’s likely that it will need to be replaced.

Summing up

A water heater is an important part of any home and can last for years if you take proper care of it. If you notice any of the above signs, it’s a good idea to have your water heater inspected by a professional water heater technician to make sure that it’s in good working order. You can also purchase a water filter to remove any bad tastes and smells. With the right maintenance and upkeep, you can expect your water heater to last for many years.